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Why Certified AV Training is Essential for Your Superyacht Onboard Crew
Posted on Monday, August 16, 2021
Why Certified AV Training is Essential for Your Superyacht Onboard Crew

Aug. 16, 2021 - It's never been more important for crew onboard superyachts to have in-depth knowledge of the AV systems they're using day in day out. From controlling the music for an evening meal or party, to showing the football game in every area, having the ability to confidently control the system and troubleshoot issues is critical.

At Crestron, we know the marine business inside out. That's why we recently launched a new Superyacht Systems Technician Training Program. Developed by the Crestron Training Institute (CTI) in partnership with the Superyacht Electronics Academy (SEA), it provides certification to onboard crews and advances their maritime AV knowledge. We've leveraged our many years of experience working with the incredible superyacht crews to design the program from their point of view, not just our technical expertise. It's training created specifically for them and in a way they will easily understand. The five-day program can be taken online or in-person – another benefit for those currently at sea or not within proximity to a CTI location.

The program is open to every superyacht crew member and covers both basic theory and the practical side of AV onboard superyachts, including exercises carried out on a real-world superyacht distributed AV system. This includes control systems, media switchers, DM NVX® AV-over-IP products, DM NAX™ audio-over-IP technology, user interfaces, and wiring and communication protocols. The new program is exclusively included in the Superyacht Electronics Academy's AV@SEA training course. 

Following the program, if attendees want to take their AV knowledge even further, Crestron offers ongoing education via the award-winning CTI curriculum, both in-person and online, and through superyacht-specific training in partnership with the SEA.

Superyacht crew managing AV systems at sea deserve all the support we can give them. This new dedicated training program and certification opportunity reflects our commitment to accomplishing that goal.

For more information on the Superyacht Systems Technician Training Program, please contact: or 

By Daniel Kerkhof, Director, Crestron Marine