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The Crestron Home Technology Awards: Helping Elevate Your Work
Posted on Friday, May 12, 2023
The Crestron Home Technology Awards: Helping Elevate Your Work

Crestron integrators are doing work that’s second to none — and it’s time to celebrate that excellence

May 12, 2023 - One of a home technology integrator's greatest assets is their reputation — a portfolio of brilliantly crafted projects and a network of satisfied clients that help drive "word-of-mouth marketing." Crestron has a new initiative to help you show off your best work and expand that reputation (and client base): The Crestron Home Technology Awards.

"This is a celebration of the finest projects featuring Crestron technology across North America," says Michael Short, Crestron's senior director of residential and hospitality marketing. Short notes that Crestron will accept projects completed between January 2022 and July 2023 in the residential sector, from single-family homes to multiple-dwelling units. Winners will be honored at CEDIA® Expo in Denver this September.

A panel of judges drawn from those with expertise in both Crestron technology and smart home installations in general will determine the honorees in a variety of categories. A win makes your project eligible for a Crestron case study, too: "Those case studies are featured on the website, Crestron social media channels, sent to relevant journalists, and shared by Crestron salespeople worldwide," says Short.

Be Thorough — and Video Helps

The online submission form will walk entrants through the process — but thorough and thoughtful info is key, says Short. "Only by providing specific answers to the information being asked of you can you ensure that the judges will have everything they need to evaluate your entry."

Photos are also a must. Judges will need shots no smaller than 1,000 pixels wide in PNG or JPEG format, along with photo credits. While hiring a pro never hurts, smartphone images are certainly acceptable. (There's a wide variety of online guides to help you get the best shots; find an excellent example here.)

However, "To really stand out from the crowd and capture the judges' attention, we recommend including a short video that best showcases your project, says Short. "While not a necessity, stunning imagery will also help capture our imaginations of what life is like in your Crestron homes," says Short. Videos with a maximum length of five minutes should be uploaded to the awards site — Crestron can't accept links for this aspect of the entry.

Crestron integrators can enter as many projects as they wish to be considered in the categories listed below. A single submission may be eligible for multiple categories — just make sure your submission copy outlines why your projects fit each category you've chosen.

The Details for Entrants

The following categories are up for grabs this year

  • Ultimate Crestron Home
  • Ultimate Multi-Dwelling Unit
  • Best Design Meets Technology
  • Best Entertainment Everywhere Solution
  • The Health and Wellness Home of the Year
  • Best Integration Utilizing Crestron Partners/Extensions 
  • Best Shading Application
  • Best Lighting Application
  • Best Showroom/Demo Space

Each judge will separately score each entry from 0-10 (10 being the highest) based on a combination of the information provided in the online entry form and the supporting photos and videos for each of the following categories:

  • Overall quality of entry submission
  • Did the solution solve the challenge?
  • Perceived customer satisfaction
  • Uniqueness
  • Visual score (Review of imagery and videos)

The top-scoring entry in each Award Category will be deemed the winner for that Award Category. Any tying entries will be deemed co-winners.

"When Crestron Electronics and our dealers put our minds and efforts together, we make incredible things," says Short. "We really want to celebrate the amazing projects that we have built together over the past year — and inspire our dealers by sharing the success others have had."