Maximize your whole-home security system with this deluxe kit that covers approximately 2,000+ square feet, ideal for 3+ bedrooms. Protect 8 windows or doors, add motion detection to 2 hallways or rooms. Arm and disarm your system from the Keypad.
For total peace of mind, subscribe to Ring Protect Pro, sold separately, and get 24/7 on-demand police, fire, or medical support with optional Alarm Professional Monitoring, real-time mobile notifications when your Alarm is triggered, and more.
Base Station
The core of your reliable Ring Alarm protection armed with a powerful siren and built-in backup battery to help keep you secure for up to 24 hours if you lose power.
Easily arm and disarm your Alarm system, and more, while indoors.
Door/Window Contact Sensors
Peace of mind for your home’s every entry point. When doors or windows open, you’ll hear a chirp or your Alarm’s siren.
Motion Detector
Place in each room or in hallways. They’ll trigger the siren if unwanted motion is detected when your Alarm is armed.
Range Extender
Extend the signal from your Alarm Base Station to all its components.